Setting up a Development Environment

OpenCAFE strongly recommends the use of Python virtual environments for development.

While not required, if you wish to manage your Python versions as well as virtual environments, we suggest the use of pyenv. Instructions on installing pyenv can be found here: Installing pyenv

Building your virtual environment

If you wish to run OpenCAFE in a virtual environment, then you will need to install virtualenv

For easier management of your virtual environments, it is recommended that you install virtualenvwrapper as well.

sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

Creating virtualenv and installing OpenCAFE

# Requires virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to be installed
mkvirtualenv OpenCAFE

# Clone OpenCAFE Repo
git clone

# Change directory into the newly cloned repository
cd opencafe

# Install OpenCAFE into your virtualenv
pip install . --upgrade

Information regarding the operation of your virtual environment can be found here: Working with virtual environments