cafe.drivers package

cafe.drivers.base module

class cafe.drivers.base.FixtureReporter(parent_object)[source]

Bases: object

Provides logging and metrics reporting for any test fixture


Starts logging and metrics reporting for the fixture

start_test_metrics(class_name, test_name, test_description=None)[source]

Creates a new Metrics object and starts reporting to it. Useful for creating metrics for individual tests.


Logs all collected metrics and stats, then stops logging and metrics reporting for the fixture.

stop_test_metrics(test_name, test_result)[source]

Stops reporting on the Metrics object created in start_test_metrics. Logs all collected metrics. Useful for logging metrics for individual test at the test’s conclusion


Gets errno from exception or returns one


Generic CAFE args for external runners

cafe.drivers.base.print_exception(file_=None, method=None, value=None, exception=None)[source]

Prints exceptions in a standard format to stderr.

cafe.drivers.base.print_mug(name, brewing_from)[source]

Generic CAFE mug